Interface InvocationCallback<RESPONSE>

Type Parameters:
RESPONSE - response type. It can be either a general-purpose Response or the anticipated response entity type.

public interface InvocationCallback<RESPONSE>
Callback that can be implemented to receive the asynchronous processing events from the invocation processing.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    completed(RESPONSE response)
    Called when the invocation was successfully completed.
    failed(Throwable throwable)
    Called when the invocation has failed for any reason.
  • Method Details

    • completed

      void completed(RESPONSE response)
      Called when the invocation was successfully completed. Note that this does not necessarily mean the response has bean fully read, which depends on the parameterized invocation callback response type.

      Once this invocation callback method returns, the underlying Response instance will be automatically closed by the runtime.

      response - response data.
    • failed

      void failed(Throwable throwable)
      Called when the invocation has failed for any reason.

      Note that the provided Throwable may be a ProcessingException in case the invocation processing failure has been caused by a client-side runtime component error. The Throwable may also be a WebApplicationException or one of its subclasses in case the response status code is not successful and the generic callback type is not Response. In case a processing of a properly received response fails, the wrapped processing exception will be of ResponseProcessingException type and will contain the Response instance whose processing has failed. A CancellationException would be indicate that the invocation has been cancelled. An InterruptedException would indicate that the thread executing the invocation has been interrupted.

      Once this invocation callback method returns, the underlying Response instance will be automatically closed by the runtime.

      throwable - contains failure details.