Interface SingularAttribute<X,T>

Type Parameters:
X - The type containing the represented attribute
T - The type of the represented attribute
All Superinterfaces:
Attribute<X,T>, Bindable<T>

public interface SingularAttribute<X,T> extends Attribute<X,T>, Bindable<T>
Instances of the type SingularAttribute represents persistent single-valued properties or fields.
  • Method Details

    • isId

      boolean isId()
      Is the attribute an id attribute. This method will return true if the attribute is an attribute that corresponds to a simple id, an embedded id, or an attribute of an id class.
      boolean indicating whether the attribute is an id
    • isVersion

      boolean isVersion()
      Is the attribute a version attribute.
      boolean indicating whether the attribute is a version attribute
    • isOptional

      boolean isOptional()
      Can the attribute be null.
      boolean indicating whether the attribute can be null
    • getType

      Type<T> getType()
      Return the type that represents the type of the attribute.
      type of attribute