Class CommandMap

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class CommandMap extends Object
The CommandMap class provides an interface to a registry of command objects available in the system. Developers are expected to either use the CommandMap implementation included with this package (MailcapCommandMap) or develop their own. Note that some of the methods in this class are abstract.
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandMap

      public CommandMap()
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultCommandMap

      public static CommandMap getDefaultCommandMap()
      Get the default CommandMap.
      • In cases where a CommandMap instance has been previously set to some value (via setDefaultCommandMap) return the CommandMap.
      • In cases where no CommandMap has been set, the CommandMap creates an instance of MailcapCommandMap and set that to the default, returning its value.
      the CommandMap
    • setDefaultCommandMap

      public static void setDefaultCommandMap(CommandMap commandMap)
      Set the default CommandMap. Reset the CommandMap to the default by calling this method with null.
      commandMap - The new default CommandMap.
      SecurityException - if the caller doesn't have permission to change the default
    • getPreferredCommands

      public abstract CommandInfo[] getPreferredCommands(String mimeType)
      Get the preferred command list from a MIME Type. The actual semantics are determined by the implementation of the CommandMap.
      mimeType - the MIME type
      the CommandInfo classes that represent the command Beans.
    • getPreferredCommands

      public CommandInfo[] getPreferredCommands(String mimeType, DataSource ds)
      Get the preferred command list from a MIME Type. The actual semantics are determined by the implementation of the CommandMap.

      The DataSource provides extra information, such as the file name, that a CommandMap implementation may use to further refine the list of commands that are returned. The implementation in this class simply calls the getPreferredCommands method that ignores this argument.

      mimeType - the MIME type
      ds - a DataSource for the data
      the CommandInfo classes that represent the command Beans.
      JAF 1.1
    • getAllCommands

      public abstract CommandInfo[] getAllCommands(String mimeType)
      Get all the available commands for this type. This method should return all the possible commands for this MIME type.
      mimeType - the MIME type
      the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands.
    • getAllCommands

      public CommandInfo[] getAllCommands(String mimeType, DataSource ds)
      Get all the available commands for this type. This method should return all the possible commands for this MIME type.

      The DataSource provides extra information, such as the file name, that a CommandMap implementation may use to further refine the list of commands that are returned. The implementation in this class simply calls the getAllCommands method that ignores this argument.

      mimeType - the MIME type
      ds - a DataSource for the data
      the CommandInfo objects representing all the commands.
      JAF 1.1
    • getCommand

      public abstract CommandInfo getCommand(String mimeType, String cmdName)
      Get the default command corresponding to the MIME type.
      mimeType - the MIME type
      cmdName - the command name
      the CommandInfo corresponding to the command.
    • getCommand

      public CommandInfo getCommand(String mimeType, String cmdName, DataSource ds)
      Get the default command corresponding to the MIME type.

      The DataSource provides extra information, such as the file name, that a CommandMap implementation may use to further refine the command that is chosen. The implementation in this class simply calls the getCommand method that ignores this argument.

      mimeType - the MIME type
      cmdName - the command name
      ds - a DataSource for the data
      the CommandInfo corresponding to the command.
      JAF 1.1
    • createDataContentHandler

      public abstract DataContentHandler createDataContentHandler(String mimeType)
      Locate a DataContentHandler that corresponds to the MIME type. The mechanism and semantics for determining this are determined by the implementation of the particular CommandMap.
      mimeType - the MIME type
      the DataContentHandler for the MIME type
    • createDataContentHandler

      public DataContentHandler createDataContentHandler(String mimeType, DataSource ds)
      Locate a DataContentHandler that corresponds to the MIME type. The mechanism and semantics for determining this are determined by the implementation of the particular CommandMap.

      The DataSource provides extra information, such as the file name, that a CommandMap implementation may use to further refine the choice of DataContentHandler. The implementation in this class simply calls the createDataContentHandler method that ignores this argument.

      mimeType - the MIME type
      ds - a DataSource for the data
      the DataContentHandler for the MIME type
      JAF 1.1
    • getMimeTypes

      public String[] getMimeTypes()
      Get all the MIME types known to this command map. If the command map doesn't support this operation, null is returned.
      array of MIME types as strings, or null if not supported
      JAF 1.1