Interface ConfigurationState

public interface ConfigurationState
Contract between a Configuration and a ValidationProvider to create a ValidatorFactory.

The configuration artifacts defined in the XML configuration and provided to the Configuration are merged and passed along via ConfigurationState.

  • Method Details

    • isIgnoreXmlConfiguration

      boolean isIgnoreXmlConfiguration()
      Returns true if Configuration.ignoreXmlConfiguration() has been called.

      In this case, the ValidatorFactory must ignore META-INF/validation.xml.

      true if META-INF/validation.xml should be ignored
    • getMessageInterpolator

      MessageInterpolator getMessageInterpolator()
      Returns the message interpolator of this configuration.

      Message interpolator is defined in the following decreasing priority:

      • set via the Configuration programmatic API
      • defined in META-INF/validation.xml provided that ignoreXmlConfiguration is false. In this case the instance is created via its no-arg constructor.
      • null if undefined.
      message interpolator instance or null if not defined
    • getMappingStreams

      Set<InputStream> getMappingStreams()
      Returns a set of configuration streams.

      The streams are defined by:

      • mapping XML streams passed programmatically in Configuration
      • mapping XML streams located in the resources defined in META-INF/validation.xml (constraint-mapping element)

      Streams represented in the XML configuration and opened by the Configuration implementation must be closed by the Configuration implementation after the ValidatorFactory creation (or if an exception occurs). All streams are guaranteed to adhere to the mark/reset contract (see InputStream.markSupported() by the Jakarta Bean Validation provider.

      set of input stream
    • getValueExtractors

      Set<ValueExtractor<?>> getValueExtractors()
      Returns a set of value extractors.

      The extractors are retrieved from the following sources in decreasing order:

      • extractors passed programmatically to Configuration
      • extractors defined in META-INF/validation.xml provided that ignoredXmlConfiguration is false
      • extractors loaded through the Java service loader
      An extractor for a given type and type parameter passed in programmatically takes precedence over any extractor for the same type and type parameter defined in META-INF/validation.xml or loaded through the service loader. Extractors defined in META-INF/validation.xml take precedence over any extractor for the same type and type parameter loaded through the service loader.

      Extractors defined in META-INF/validation.xml or loaded through the service loader are instantiated using their no-arg constructor.

      set of value extractors; may be empty but never null
    • getConstraintValidatorFactory

      ConstraintValidatorFactory getConstraintValidatorFactory()
      Returns the constraint validator factory of this configuration.

      The ConstraintValidatorFactory implementation is defined in the following decreasing priority:

      • set via the Configuration programmatic API
      • defined in META-INF/validation.xml provided that ignoredXmlConfiguration is false. In this case the instance is created via its no-arg constructor.
      • null if undefined.
      factory instance or null if not defined
    • getTraversableResolver

      TraversableResolver getTraversableResolver()
      Returns the traversable resolver for this configuration.

      TraversableResolver is defined in the following decreasing priority:

      • set via the Configuration programmatic API
      • defined in META-INF/validation.xml provided that ignoredXmlConfiguration is false. In this case the instance is created via its no-arg constructor.
      • null if undefined.
      traversable resolver instance or null if not defined
    • getParameterNameProvider

      ParameterNameProvider getParameterNameProvider()
      Returns the parameter name provider for this configuration.

      ParameterNameProvider is defined in the following decreasing priority:

      • set via the Configuration programmatic API
      • defined in META-INF/validation.xml provided that ignoreXmlConfiguration is false. In this case the instance is created via its no-arg constructor.
      • null if undefined.
      parameter name provider instance or null if not defined
    • getClockProvider

      ClockProvider getClockProvider()
      Returns the clock provider for this configuration.

      ClockProvider is defined in the following decreasing priority:

      • set via the Configuration programmatic API
      • defined in META-INF/validation.xml provided that ignoreXmlConfiguration is false. In this case the instance is created via its no-arg constructor.
      • null if undefined.
      clock provider instance or null if not defined
    • getProperties

      Map<String,String> getProperties()
      Returns a map of non type-safe custom properties.

      Properties defined via:

      If a property is defined both programmatically and in XML, the value defined programmatically has priority.

      Map whose key is the property key and the value the property value