Interface ParameterNameProvider

public interface ParameterNameProvider
Provides names for method and constructor parameters.

Used by the Jakarta Bean Validation runtime when creating constraint violation objects for violated method constraints.

Implementations must be thread-safe.

  • Method Details

    • getParameterNames

      List<String> getParameterNames(Constructor<?> constructor)
      Returns the names of the parameters of the given constructor.
      constructor - the constructor for which the parameter names shall be retrieved; never null
      a list containing the names of the parameters of the given constructor; may be empty but never null
    • getParameterNames

      List<String> getParameterNames(Method method)
      Returns the names of the parameters of the given method.
      method - the method for which the parameter names shall be retrieved; never null
      a list containing the names of the parameters of the given method; may be empty but never null