Interface ConstraintViolation<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the root bean

public interface ConstraintViolation<T>
Describes a constraint violation. This object exposes the constraint violation context as well as the message describing the violation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the constraint metadata reported to fail.
    Returns an Object[] representing the constructor or method invocation arguments if the ConstraintViolation is returned after validating the method or constructor parameters.
    Returns the return value of the constructor or method invocation if the ConstraintViolation is returned after validating the method or constructor return value.
    Returns the value failing to pass the constraint.
    Returns: the bean instance the constraint is applied on if it is a bean constraint the bean instance hosting the property the constraint is applied on if it is a property constraint or a container element constraint hosted on a property null when the ConstraintViolation is returned after calling Validator.validateValue(Class, String, Object, Class[]) the object the method is executed on if it is a method parameter, cross-parameter or return value constraint or a container element constraint hosted on a method parameter or return value null if it is a constructor parameter or cross-parameter constraint or a container element constraint hosted on a constructor parameter the object the constructor has created if it is a constructor return value constraint
    Returns the root bean being validated.
    Returns the class of the root bean being validated.
    <U> U
    unwrap(Class<U> type)
    Returns an instance of the specified type allowing access to provider-specific APIs.
  • Method Details

    • getMessage

      String getMessage()
      the interpolated error message for this constraint violation
    • getMessageTemplate

      String getMessageTemplate()
      the non-interpolated error message for this constraint violation
    • getRootBean

      T getRootBean()
      Returns the root bean being validated. For method validation, returns the object the method is executed on.

      Returns null when:

      the validated object, the object hosting the validated element or null
    • getRootBeanClass

      Class<T> getRootBeanClass()
      Returns the class of the root bean being validated. For method validation, this is the object class the method is executed on. For constructor validation, this is the class the constructor is declared on.
      the class of the root bean or of the object hosting the validated element
    • getLeafBean

      Object getLeafBean()
      • the bean instance the constraint is applied on if it is a bean constraint
      • the bean instance hosting the property the constraint is applied on if it is a property constraint or a container element constraint hosted on a property
      • null when the ConstraintViolation is returned after calling Validator.validateValue(Class, String, Object, Class[])
      • the object the method is executed on if it is a method parameter, cross-parameter or return value constraint or a container element constraint hosted on a method parameter or return value
      • null if it is a constructor parameter or cross-parameter constraint or a container element constraint hosted on a constructor parameter
      • the object the constructor has created if it is a constructor return value constraint
      the leaf bean
    • getExecutableParameters

      Object[] getExecutableParameters()
      Returns an Object[] representing the constructor or method invocation arguments if the ConstraintViolation is returned after validating the method or constructor parameters. Returns null otherwise.
      parameters of the method or constructor invocation or null
    • getExecutableReturnValue

      Object getExecutableReturnValue()
      Returns the return value of the constructor or method invocation if the ConstraintViolation is returned after validating the method or constructor return value.

      Returns null if the method has no return value. Returns null otherwise.

      the method or constructor return value or null
    • getPropertyPath

      Path getPropertyPath()
      the property path to the value from rootBean
    • getInvalidValue

      Object getInvalidValue()
      Returns the value failing to pass the constraint. For cross-parameter constraints, an Object[] representing the method invocation arguments is returned.
      the value failing to pass the constraint
    • getConstraintDescriptor

      ConstraintDescriptor<?> getConstraintDescriptor()
      Returns the constraint metadata reported to fail. The returned instance is immutable.
      constraint metadata
    • unwrap

      <U> U unwrap(Class<U> type)
      Returns an instance of the specified type allowing access to provider-specific APIs. If the Jakarta Bean Validation provider implementation does not support the specified class, ValidationException is thrown.
      Type Parameters:
      U - the type of the object to be returned
      type - the class of the object to be returned
      an instance of the specified class
      ValidationException - if the provider does not support the call