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Classes in used by DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.A CacheEntry is a struct object that holds the cache ID and value, as well as metadata for caching.An event object that provides information about the source of cache-related events.Implement this interface to receive the ChangeEvent notifications.This class provides applications with an extended java.util.Map interface to access the WebSphere Dynamic Cache, allowing inspection and manipulation of the cache.The DistributedNioMap is a high performance map specifically designed for storing java.nio.Buffer objects.EntryInfo and FragmentInfo objects contain metadata for caching and are attached to each cache entry.An event object that provides information about the source of cache-related event.The listener interface for removing cache entry from the cache.Pre-invalidation listener interface used for selectively overriding invalidation events.
Classes in used by class provides applications with an extended java.util.Map interface to access the WebSphere Dynamic Cache, allowing inspection and manipulation of the cache.
Classes in used by DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.A CacheEntry is a struct object that holds the cache ID and value, as well as metadata for caching.An event object that provides information about the source of cache-related events.Implement this interface to receive the ChangeEvent notifications.Abstract class implementing DistributedMap and DistributedNioMap.EntryInfo and FragmentInfo objects contain metadata for caching and are attached to each cache entry.An event object that provides information about the source of cache-related event.The listener interface for removing cache entry from the cache.Pre-invalidation listener interface used for selectively overriding invalidation events.