Deprecated InterfacesInterfaceDescriptionUse DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache. DynamicCacheAccessor#getDistributedMap will return a DistributedMap for accessing base cache.
Deprecated FieldsFieldDescriptionTYPE_DISTRIBUTED_LOCKING_MAP is no longer used.Share type PULL should not be used in new code development. Use share type PUSH_PULL instead. Share type PULL, if used in existing code, will function like share type PUSH_PULL.
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionUse DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache.The updates for Push or Push-Pull sharing policies are always done in an asynchronous batch mode. It always returns true.Use DistributedMap to store and manage objects in cache. DynamicCacheAccessor#getDistributedMap will return a DistributedMap for accessing base cache.baseCache is used for servlet caching. It should not be used as a DistributedMap.The updates for Push or Push-Pull sharing policies are always done in an asynchronous batch mode. It always returns true.The updates for Push or Push-Pull sharing policies are always done in an asynchronous batch mode. Calling setBatchEnabled(false) has no effect on cache replication.Use DistributedObjectCacheFactoryUse DistributedObjectCacheFactoryThe updates for Push or Push-Pull sharing policies are always done in an asynchronous batch mode. It always returns true.