Class JwtBuilder


public class JwtBuilder extends Object

This API is used for the creation of JSON Web Token (JWT) security tokens conforming the JWT specification as defined in:
JSON Web Token (JWT). The JWT tokens are self-described and can be validated locally by the resource server or the client.

The code snippet that is shown here demonstrate how to use this API to generate the token. In the sample code, it is assumed that the configuration id specified in the API matches the jwtBuilder element ID in the server configuration or the default id that is provided in the Liberty runtime.

Sample code for generating JWT Token
        // 1. Create a JWTBuilder Object.
         JwtBuilder jwtBuilder = JwtBuilder.create("samplebuilder");
        // Overwrite issuer. This is optional and if issuer is not specified either in the server configuration or here,
        // then the Builder will construct a default issuer Url

         jwtBuilder = jwtBuilder.issuer("http://host:port/issuer url");
        // Overwrite any of the following
        // audience, expiration time, not before, subject, signing key or algorithm, jti
         jwtBuilder = jwtBuilder.audience(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"one", "two", "three"});
         jwtBuilder = jwtBuilder.signWith("HS256", "shared secret");
        // Overwrite or set any additional claims
         jwtBuilder = jwtBuilder.claim("custom claim", "custom value");

        // 2. Create a JWT token
          JwtToken jwt = jwtBuilder.buildJwt();

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • create

      public static JwtBuilder create() throws InvalidBuilderException
      Creates a new JwtBuilder object using the default configuration ID .
      A new JwtBuilder object tied to the jwtBuilder server configuration element with the default ID .
      InvalidBuilderException - Thrown if the JWT builder service is not available.
    • create

      public static JwtBuilder create(String builderConfigId) throws InvalidBuilderException
      Creates a new JwtBuilder object using the configuration ID provided.
      builderConfigId - ID of a corresponding jwtBuilder element in the server configuration.
      A new JwtBuilder object tied to the jwtBuilder server configuration element whose id attribute matches the ID provided.
      InvalidConsumerException - Thrown if the builderConfigId is null, or if there is no matching configuration ID in the server configuration.
    • issuer

      public JwtBuilder issuer(String issuerUrl) throws InvalidClaimException
      Sets issuer claim. This claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
      issuerUrl - This will be used to set the "iss" claim in the JwtToken
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the issuerUrl is null, or empty
    • audience

      public JwtBuilder audience(List<String> newaudiences) throws InvalidClaimException
      Sets audience claim. This claim in the JWT identifies the recipients that the token is intended for.
      newaudiences - This is a list of Strings and will be used to set the "aud" claim in the JwtToken
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the newaudiences is null, or empty
    • expirationTime

      public JwtBuilder expirationTime(long exp) throws InvalidClaimException
      Sets expiration claim. This claim in the JWT identifies the expiration time of the token.
      exp - This is a "long" value representing the time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. This will be used to set the "exp" claim in the JwtToken
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the exp is before the current time
    • jwtId

      public JwtBuilder jwtId(boolean create)
      Sets JWT ID. This claim in the JWT provides a unique identifier of the token. This ID helps prevent the token from being replayed.
      create - This is a boolean value that represents whether to generate a unique identifier. If the unique identifier is generated, then the "jti" claim is set in the JwtToken
      JwtBuilder object
    • notBefore

      public JwtBuilder notBefore(long time_from) throws InvalidClaimException
      Sets "not before" claim. This claim in the JWT identifies the time before which the JWT must not be accepted.
      time_from - This is a "long" value representing the time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. This will be used to set the "nbf" claim in the JwtToken
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the time_from is not a positive number
    • subject

      public JwtBuilder subject(String username) throws InvalidClaimException
      Sets "subject" claim. This claim in the JWT identifies the principal that is the subject of the token.
      username - This String value represents the principal name. This will be used to set the "sub" claim in the JwtToken
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the username is null, or empty
    • signWith

      public JwtBuilder signWith(String algorithm, Key key) throws KeyException
      Signing key and algorithm information.
      algorithm - This String value represents the signing algorithm. This information will be used to sign the JwtToken
      key - The private key Key to use for signing JWTs.
      JwtBuilder object
      KeyException - Thrown if the key is null or if algorithm is null or empty
    • signWith

      public JwtBuilder signWith(String algorithm, String key) throws KeyException
      Signing key and algorithm information.
      algorithm - This String value represents the signing algorithm. This information will be used to sign the JwtToken
      key - This represents shared secret that can be used to create the shared key
      JwtBuilder object
      KeyException - Thrown if the key or algorithm is null or empty
    • encryptWith

      public JwtBuilder encryptWith(String keyManagementAlg, Key keyManagementKey, String contentEncryptionAlg) throws KeyException
      Sets token encryption information for creating JSON Web Encryption tokens.
      keyManagementAlg - Specifies the encryption algorithm that is used to encrypt the Content Encryption Key.
      keyManagementKey - Key used to encrypt the Content Encryption Key, which is then used to encrypt the JWT plaintext to produce the JWE ciphertext.
      contentEncryptionAlg - Specifies the encryption algorithm that is used to encrypt the JWT plaintext to produce the JWE ciphertext.
      JwtBuilder object
      KeyException - Thrown if an error is encountered using the provided key and encryption information
    • claim

      public JwtBuilder claim(String name, Object value) throws InvalidClaimException
      Sets the specified claim.
      name - This is a String and represents the name of the claim
      value - This is an Object and represents the value of the claim. Object can be a string, number, boolean, map, or list. Other object types will have their toString method called, which might not produce valid JSON
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the claim is null, or the value is null or the value is not the correct type for the claim
    • claim

      public JwtBuilder claim(Map<String,Object> map) throws InvalidClaimException
      Sets the specified claims.
      map - This is a Map and represents the collection of claim name and claim value pairs to be set in the JWT.
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the claim is null, or the value is null or the value is not the correct type for the claim
    • fetch

      public JwtBuilder fetch(String name) throws InvalidClaimException
      Retrieves the specified claim from the configured user registry.
      name - This is a String and represents the name of the claim
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the claim is null or empty
    • remove

      public JwtBuilder remove(String name) throws InvalidClaimException
      Removes the specified claim.
      name - This is a String and represents the name of the claim to remove
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the claim is null or empty
    • claimFrom

      public JwtBuilder claimFrom(String jsonOrJwt, String claim) throws InvalidClaimException, InvalidTokenException
      Retrieves the specified claim from the given json or jwt string. JWT strings in JSON Web Encryption (JWE) format are not supported.
      jsonOrJwt - This is a string that represents either a JWT payload in JSON format or a JWT in JWS format. The string may or may not be base64 encoded. Strings that are in JWE format are not supported.
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the claim is null or empty
      InvalidTokenException - Thrown if the jsonOrJwt is null or if the api fails to process the string
    • claimFrom

      public JwtBuilder claimFrom(String jsonOrJwt) throws InvalidClaimException, InvalidTokenException
      Retrieves all the claims from the given json or jwt string. JWT strings in JSON Web Encryption (JWE) format are not supported.
      jsonOrJwt - This is a string that represents either a JWT payload in JSON format or a JWT in JWS format. The string may or may not be base64 encoded. Strings that are in JWE format are not supported.
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidTokenException - Thrown if the jsonOrJwt is null or if the api fails to process the jsonOrJwt string
    • claimFrom

      public JwtBuilder claimFrom(JwtToken jwt, String claimName) throws InvalidClaimException, InvalidTokenException
      Retrieves the specified claim from the given JwtToken.
      jwt - This is a JwtToken object
      claimName - This is a String and represents the name of the claim
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidClaimException - Thrown if the claim is null or empty
      InvalidTokenException - Thrown if the jwt is null or if the api fails to process the jwt
    • claimFrom

      public JwtBuilder claimFrom(JwtToken jwt) throws InvalidTokenException
      Retrieves all the claims from the given jwt.
      jwt - This is a JwtToken object and represents base 64 encoded JWT
      JwtBuilder object
      InvalidTokenException - Thrown if the jwt is null or if the api fails to process the jwt
    • buildJwt

      public JwtToken buildJwt() throws JwtException, InvalidBuilderException
      Creates a new JwtToken object based on the information in this JwtBuilder object and based on the configuration for the jwtBuilder element that is specified in the server configuration that matches the ID used to instantiate this JwtBuilder object.
      JwtToken object.
      InvalidBuilderException - Thrown if a jwtBuilder element with the ID used to instantiate this JwtBuilder object cannot be found in the server configuration.
      JwtException - Thrown if there is an error while creating the JWT, which includes creating the token payload, header, or signature.