
@Version("1.3") @ProviderType package
A set of annotations to represent input and output data type, media type and relevant examples.

Example usage:

 content = @Content(
      examples = @ExampleObject(
          name = "example",
          value = "1")))
  • Class
    This object provides schema and examples for a particular media type.
    A property name and an associated list of other property names.
    A property name and an associated schema.
    This object maps payload values to a particular Schema.
    Single encoding definition to be applied to single Schema Object
    This object illustrates an example of a particular content
    A regular expression and an associated schema.
    The Schema Object allows the definition of input and output data types.
    Marker class to indicate that a boolean false schema should be used.
    Marker class to indicate that a boolean true schema should be used.
    The SchemaProperty Object allows the definition of input and output data types nested within the properties attribute of a Schema annotation.