Package org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.annotations.callbacks

@Version("1.2") @ProviderType package org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.annotations.callbacks
A set of annotations to represent callback URL or an array of relevant callback URLs that can be invoked for a particular HTTP operation as well as the HTTP operation that will be invoked with the callback.

Example annotation:

            name = "testCallback",
            operations = @CallbackOperation(
                summary = "Get all reviews",
                method = "get",
                responses = @APIResponse(
                    responseCode = "200",
                    description = "successful operation",
                    content = @Content(
                        mediaType = "application/json",
                        schema = @Schema(
                            type = SchemaType.ARRAY,
                            implementation = Review.class
  • Annotation Interfaces
    This object represents a callback URL that will be invoked.
    Describes a single API callback operation.
    This object represents an array of Callback URLs that can be invoked.