Package org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.annotations.servers

@Version("1.1") @ProviderType package org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.annotations.servers
Annotations to represent servers used for a single API operation or for all operations in an OpenAPI document, as well as a way to represent variables for server URL template substitution.

Example usage:

      @Server(url = "localhost:9080/{proxyPath}/reviews/id",
              description = "view of all the reviews",
              variables = { @ServerVariable(name = "proxyPath", description = "Base path of the proxy", defaultValue = "proxy") }),
      @Server(url = "http://random.url/reviews", description = "random text")
  • Annotation Interfaces
    This annotation represents a Server used in an operation or used by all operations in an OpenAPI document.
    The Servers annotation is a container for @Server annotations.
    An object representing a Server Variable for server URL template substitution.