Annotation Type RequestBody

    public @interface RequestBody
    Describes a single request body.
    See Also:
    requestBody Object
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      Content[] content
      The content of the request body.
      java.lang.String description
      A brief description of the request body.
      Extension[] extensions
      List of extensions to be added to the RequestBody model corresponding to the containing annotation.
      java.lang.String name
      The unique name to identify this request body.
      java.lang.String ref
      Reference value to a RequestBody object.
      boolean required
      Determines if the request body is required in the request.
    • Element Detail

      • description

        java.lang.String description
        A brief description of the request body.

        This could contain examples of use. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.

        description of this requestBody instance
      • content

        Content[] content
        The content of the request body. It is a REQUIRED property unless this is only a reference to a request body instance.
        content of this requestBody instance
      • required

        boolean required
        Determines if the request body is required in the request.
        whether or not this requestBody is required
      • name

        java.lang.String name
        The unique name to identify this request body. Unless this annotation is used on the actual request body parameter, it is required to match the name of that parameter so the appropriate association can be made. When the request body is defined within Components. The name will be used as the key to add this request body to the 'requestBodies' map for reuse.
        this request body's name
      • ref

        java.lang.String ref
        Reference value to a RequestBody object.

        This property provides a reference to an object defined elsewhere. This property and all other properties are mutually exclusive. If other properties are defined in addition to the ref property then the result is undefined.

        reference to a request body
      • extensions

        Extension[] extensions
        List of extensions to be added to the RequestBody model corresponding to the containing annotation.
        array of extensions