Package org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.models.responses

@Version("2.0") @ProviderType package org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.models.responses
Model interfaces to describe a single response from an API operation, and an annotation to encapsulate multiple responses from an API operation.

The behaviour of methods inherited from java.lang.Object are undefined by the MicroProfile OpenAPI specification.

Example usage:

      .summary("Retrieve all bookings for current user")
          .addApiResponse("200", OASFactory.createObject(APIResponse.class)
              .description("Bookings retrieved")
                  .addMediaType("applictaion/json", OASFactory.createObject(MediaType.class)
  • Interfaces
    This interface represents a single response from an API Operation, including design-time, static links to operations based on the response.
    This interface represents the container for the expected responses of an operation.