Annotation Interface RequestBodySchema

@Target({PARAMETER,METHOD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Inherited public @interface RequestBodySchema
Provides a reference to a class that (after introspection) describes the schema for a single request body. This annotation provides a short-hand way to specify a simple request body that would otherwise be specified using @RequestBody and that typically could not be determined by scanning the resource method alone.

The following annotation usages are equivalent to the OpenAPI annotation scanner runtime.

 @RequestBody(content = { @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = MyRequestObject.class)) })


Any media types that apply to the resource method from either a method-level or class-level @Consumes annotation will result in those media types applying to the OpenAPI request body model.

This annotation is useful in cases when a single request body schema applies to all media types (as given in @Consumes), where it is not possible for class introspection to determine the schema directly.

 public Response updateItem(@PathParam("{id}") long id, InputStream rawData) {
     MyRequestObject entity = service.deserialize(rawData);

     return Response.status(204).build();
See Also:
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Provides a Java class as implementation for this schema.
  • Element Details

    • value

      Class<?> value
      Provides a Java class as implementation for this schema. The class will undergo introspection to determine any applicable Schema attributes to be applied to the OpenAPI request body model.
      a class that implements this schema