Package jakarta.activation

package jakarta.activation
Jakarta Activation is used by Jakarta Mail to manage MIME data.
  • Class
    The ActivationDataFlavor class is similar to the JDK's java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor class.
    The CommandInfo class is used by CommandMap implementations to describe the results of command requests.
    The CommandMap class provides an interface to a registry of command objects available in the system.
    JavaBeans components that are Jakarta Activation aware implement this interface to find out which command verb they're being asked to perform, and to obtain the DataHandler representing the data they should operate on.
    The DataContentHandler interface is implemented by objects that can be used to extend the capabilities of the DataHandler's implementation of the Transferable interface.
    This interface defines a factory for DataContentHandlers.
    The DataHandler class provides a consistent interface to data available in many different sources and formats.
    The DataSource interface provides Jakarta Activation with an abstraction of an arbitrary collection of data.
    The FileDataSource class implements a simple DataSource object that encapsulates a file.
    The FileTypeMap is an abstract class that provides a data typing interface for files.
    MailcapCommandMap extends the CommandMap abstract class.
    A Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type, as defined in RFC 2045 and 2046.
    A parameter list of a MimeType as defined in RFC 2045 and 2046.
    A class to encapsulate MimeType parsing related exceptions.
    This class extends FileTypeMap and provides data typing of files via their file extension.
    Signals that the requested operation does not support the requested data type.
    The URLDataSource class provides an object that wraps a URL object in a DataSource interface.