Interface Stage

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static interface  Stage.Cancel
      A cancelling stage.
      static interface  Stage.Collect
      A collect stage.
      static interface  Stage.Concat
      Concatenate the given graphs together.
      static interface  Stage.Coupled
      A stage that couples a wrapped subscriber graph to a wrapped publisher graph.
      static interface  Stage.Distinct
      A stage returning a stream consisting of the distinct elements (according to Object.equals(Object)) of this stream.
      static interface  Stage.DropWhile
      A drop while stage.
      static interface  Stage.Failed
      A failed publisher.
      static interface  Stage.Filter
      A filter stage.
      static interface  Stage.FindFirst
      A subscriber stage that emits the first element encountered.
      static interface  Stage.FlatMap
      A flat map stage.
      static interface  Stage.FlatMapCompletionStage
      A flat map stage that emits and flattens CompletionStage.
      static interface  Stage.FlatMapIterable
      A flat map stage that emits and fattens Iterable.
      static interface  Stage.FromCompletionStage
      A publisher representation of a CompletionStage.
      static interface  Stage.FromCompletionStageNullable
      A publisher representation of a CompletionStage.
      static interface  Stage.Limit
      A limit stage.
      static interface  Stage.Map
      A map stage.
      static interface  Stage.Of
      A publisher of zero to many values.
      static interface  Stage.OnComplete
      A stage returning a stream containing all the elements from this stream, additionally performing the provided action when this stream completes.
      static interface  Stage.OnError
      A stage returning a stream containing all the elements from this stream, additionally performing the provided action if this stream conveys an error.
      static interface  Stage.OnErrorResume
      A stage to handle errors from upstream.
      static interface  Stage.OnErrorResumeWith
      A stage to handle errors from upstream.
      static interface  Stage.OnTerminate
      A stage returning a stream containing all the elements from this stream, additionally performing the provided action if this stream terminates with an error, completes, or is cancelled by downstream.
      static interface  Stage.Peek
      A stage returning a stream containing all the elements from this stream, additionally performing the provided action on each element.
      static interface  Stage.ProcessorStage
      A processor stage.
      static interface  Stage.PublisherStage
      A publisher stage.
      static interface  Stage.Skip
      A skip stage.
      static interface  Stage.SubscriberStage
      A subscriber.
      static interface  Stage.TakeWhile
      A take while stage.