Package org.eclipse.microprofile.graphql
package org.eclipse.microprofile.graphql
APIs for building a code-first GraphQL endpoint, for example:
public class CharacterService { @Query("friendsOf") @Description("Returns all the friends of a character") public List<Character> getFriendsOf(Character character) { // ... } }
- Since:
- 1.0
ClassDescriptionHolding all available config keysAnnotation provides way how to set custom date format to field or JavaBean property.Controls the mapping of a method's parameter to an argument of a GraphQL operation (query/mutation/subscription).Sets the description in the GraphQL schema for the target field, type, parameter, etc.Maps of the annotated Java enum to a GraphQL enum.Marks a class as a GraphQL Endpoint.A GraphQLException is used to pass error information back to the client.Marks a field as a ID Scalar Type.Excludes an otherwise mapped element.Maps the annotated class to a GraphQL input type.Specifies that the annotated method provides the implementation (ie.Allows users to name a field or argument in the GraphQL Schema
For example, a user might annotate a method's parameter as such:Specifies that the GraphQL type and/or input type represented by the Java field this annotation is applied to must be marked as non-null in the schema.Annotation provides way how to set custom number format to field or JavaBean property.Specifies that the annotated method provides the implementation (ie.Extends a GraphQL type by adding an externally defined field, effectively enabling a graph to be assembled.Maps of the annotated Java class to a GraphQL type.