Annotation Type Fallback

  • @Documented
    public @interface Fallback
    The fallback annotation to define the fallback handler class so that a failure can be handled properly. Below is the criteria:
    1. If value is specified, use FallbackHandler.handle(ExecutionContext) on the specified handler to execute the fallback.
    2. If fallbackMethod is specified, invoke the method specified by the fallbackMethod on the same class.
    3. If both are specified, the FaultToleranceDefinitionException must be thrown.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String fallbackMethod
      Specify the method name to be fallbacked to.
      java.lang.Class<? extends FallbackHandler<?>> value
      Specify the fallback class to be used.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        java.lang.Class<? extends FallbackHandler<?>> value
        Specify the fallback class to be used. An new instance of the fallback class is returned. The instance is unmanaged. The type parameter of the fallback class must be assignable to the return type of the annotated method. Otherwise, FaultToleranceDefinitionException occurs.
        the fallback class
      • fallbackMethod

        java.lang.String fallbackMethod
        Specify the method name to be fallbacked to. This method belongs to the same class as the method to fallback. The method must have the exactly same arguments as the method being annotated. The method return type must be assignable to the return type of the method the fallback is for. Otherwise, FaultToleranceDefinitionException must be thrown.
        the local method to fallback to