Package org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance

@Version("1.1") package org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance

CDI Support for Microprofile Fault Tolerance

  • Class
    Wrap the execution and invoke it asynchronously.
    Define bulkhead policy to limit the number of the concurrent calls to an instance.
    Define the Circuit Breaker policy
    The execution context for the method being executed.
    The fallback annotation to define the fallback handler class so that a failure can be handled properly.
    Create a default class so the value is not required to be set all the time.
    The handler instance used by the container to service a fallback invocation is a non-contextual instance created using the CDI SPI.
    The Retry annotation to define the number of the retries and the fallback method on reaching the retry counts.
    The annotation to define a method execution timeout.