
@Version("1.0") package
A set of annotations to represent various security components of an OpenAPI app.

Example usage:

  securitySchemeName = "reviewoauth2",
  type = SecuritySchemeType.OAUTH2,
  description = "authentication needed to create and delete reviews",
  flows = @OAuthFlows(
      implicit = @OAuthFlow(
          authorizationUrl = "",
          scopes = @OAuthScope(
              name = "write:reviews",
              description = "create a review"
  • Annotation Interfaces
    Configuration details for a supported OAuth Flow.
    Allows configuration of the supported OAuth Flows.
    Represents an OAuth scope.
    Specifies a security requirement for an operation.
    This object represents an array of security requirements that can be specified for the operation or at definition level.
    This object represents a map of security requirements that can be specified for the operation or at definition level.
    Defines a security scheme that can be used by the operations.
    This object represents an array of SecurityScheme annotations that can be specified at the definition level.