Class ClientTracingRegistrar


public class ClientTracingRegistrar extends Object
This class registers tracing components into ClientBuilder. It is required to call configure(ClientBuilder) or its variants to enable tracing in Client, however implementation might enable tracing globally. Invoking configure(ClientBuilder) returns a ClientBuilder with enabled tracing integration. Note that following calls to ClientBuilder which change ExecutorService might break tracing integration. If a custom ExecutorService has to be used use configure(ClientBuilder, ExecutorService).
  • Method Details

    • configure

      public static ClientBuilder configure(ClientBuilder clientBuilder)
      Register tracing components into client builder instance.
      clientBuilder - client builder
      clientBuilder with tracing integration
    • configure

      public static ClientBuilder configure(ClientBuilder clientBuilder, ExecutorService executorService)
      Register tracing components into client builder instance.
      clientBuilder - client builder
      executorService - executorService which will be added to the client. Note that this overrides executor service added previously to the client.
      clientBuilder with tracing integration