Interface CompletionCallback

public interface CompletionCallback
A request processing callback that receives request processing completion events.

A completion callback is invoked when the whole request processing is over, i.e. once a response for the request has been processed and sent back to the client or in when an unmapped exception or error is being propagated to the container.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    onComplete(Throwable throwable)
    A completion callback notification method that will be invoked when the request processing is finished, after a response is processed and is sent back to the client or when an unmapped throwable has been propagated to the hosting I/O container.
  • Method Details

    • onComplete

      void onComplete(Throwable throwable)
      A completion callback notification method that will be invoked when the request processing is finished, after a response is processed and is sent back to the client or when an unmapped throwable has been propagated to the hosting I/O container.

      An unmapped throwable is propagated to the hosting I/O container in case no exception mapper has been found for a throwable indicating a request processing failure. In this case a non-null unmapped throwable instance is passed to the method. Note that the throwable instance represents the actual unmapped exception thrown during the request processing, before it has been wrapped into an I/O container-specific exception that was used to propagate the throwable to the hosting I/O container.

      throwable - is null, if the request processing has completed with a response that has been sent to the client. In case the request processing resulted in an unmapped exception or error that has been propagated to the hosting I/O container, this parameter contains the unmapped exception instance.