Class SendResult


public final class SendResult extends Object
The result of asynchronously sending a web socket message. A SendResult is either ok indicating there was no problem, or is not OK in which case there was a problem and it carries an exception to indicate what the problem was.
  • Constructor Details

    • SendResult

      public SendResult(Throwable exception)
      Construct a SendResult carrying an exception.
      exception - the exception causing a send failure.
    • SendResult

      public SendResult()
      Construct a SendResult signifying a successful send carrying no exception.
  • Method Details

    • getException

      public Throwable getException()
      The problem sending the message.
      the problem or null if the send was successful.
    • isOK

      public boolean isOK()
      Determines if this result is ok or not.
      whether the send was successful or not.