Class DecodeException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DecodeException extends Exception
A general exception that occurs when trying to decode a custom object from a text or binary message.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DecodeException

      public DecodeException(ByteBuffer bb, String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructor with the binary data that could not be decoded, and the reason why it failed to be, and the cause. The buffer may represent the whole message, or the part of the message most relevant to the decoding error, depending whether the application is using one of the streaming methods or not.
      bb - the byte buffer containing the (part of) the message that could not be decoded.
      message - the reason for the failure.
      cause - the cause of the error.
    • DecodeException

      public DecodeException(String encodedString, String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructor with the text data that could not be decoded, and the reason why it failed to be, and the cause. The encoded string may represent the whole message, or the part of the message most relevant to the decoding error, depending whether the application is using one of the streaming methods or not.
      encodedString - the string representing the (part of) the message that could not be decoded.
      message - the reason for the failure.
      cause - the cause of the error.
    • DecodeException

      public DecodeException(ByteBuffer bb, String message)
      Constructs a DecodedException with the given ByteBuffer that cannot be decoded, and reason why. The buffer may represent the whole message, or the part of the message most relevant to the decoding error, depending whether the application is using one of the streaming methods or not.
      bb - the byte buffer containing the (part of) the message that could not be decoded.
      message - the reason for the failure.
    • DecodeException

      public DecodeException(String encodedString, String message)
      Constructs a DecodedException with the given encoded string that cannot be decoded, and reason why. The encoded string may represent the whole message, or the part of the message most relevant to the decoding error, depending whether the application is using one of the streaming methods or not.
      encodedString - the string representing the (part of) the message that could not be decoded.
      message - the reason for the failure.
  • Method Details

    • getBytes

      public ByteBuffer getBytes()
      Return the ByteBuffer containing either the whole message, or the partial message, that could not be decoded, or null if this exception arose from a failure to decode a text message.
      the binary data not decoded or null for text message failures.
    • getText

      public String getText()
      Return the encoded string that is either the whole message, or the partial message that could not be decoded, or null if this exception arose from a failure to decode a binary message..
      the text not decoded or null for binary message failures.