Class PermittedTaglibsTLV


public class PermittedTaglibsTLV extends TagLibraryValidator

A TagLibraryValidator class to allow a TLD to restrict what taglibs (in addition to itself) may be imported on a page where it's used.

This TLV supports the following initialization parameter:

  • permittedTaglibs: A whitespace-separated list of URIs corresponding to tag libraries permitted to be imported on the page in addition to the tag library that references PermittedTaglibsTLV (which is allowed implicitly).
  • Constructor Details

    • PermittedTaglibsTLV

      public PermittedTaglibsTLV()
  • Method Details

    • release

      public void release()
      Description copied from class: TagLibraryValidator
      Release any data kept by this instance for validation purposes.
      release in class TagLibraryValidator
    • validate

      public ValidationMessage[] validate(String prefix, String uri, PageData page)
      Description copied from class: TagLibraryValidator
      Validate a JSP page. This will get invoked once per unique tag library URI in the XML view. This method will return null if the page is valid; otherwise the method should return an array of ValidationMessage objects. An array of length zero is also interpreted as no errors.
      validate in class TagLibraryValidator
      prefix - the first prefix with which the tag library is associated, in the XML view. Note that some tags may use a different prefix if the namespace is redefined.
      uri - the tag library's unique identifier
      page - the JspData page object
      A null object, or zero length array if no errors, an array of ValidationMessages otherwise.