Class MessagePolicy


public class MessagePolicy extends Object
This class defines a message authentication policy.

A ClientAuthContext uses this class to communicate (at module initialization time) request and response message protection policies to its ClientAuthModule objects. A ServerAuthContext uses this class to communicate request and response message protection policies to its ServerAuthModule objects.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessagePolicy

      public MessagePolicy(MessagePolicy.TargetPolicy[] targetPolicies, boolean mandatory)
      Create a MessagePolicy instance with an array of target policies.
      targetPolicies - an array of target policies.
      mandatory - A boolean value indicating whether the MessagePolicy is mandatory or optional.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified targetPolicies is null.
  • Method Details

    • isMandatory

      public boolean isMandatory()
      Get the MessagePolicy modifier.
      A boolean indicating whether the MessagePolicy is optional(false) or required(true).
    • getTargetPolicies

      public MessagePolicy.TargetPolicy[] getTargetPolicies()
      Get the target policies that comprise the authentication policy.

      An array of target authentication policies, where each element describes an authentication policy and the parts of the message to which the authentication policy applies. This method returns null to indicate that no security operations should be performed on the messages to which the policy applies. This method never returns a zero-length array.

      When this method returns an array of target policies, the order of elements in the array represents the order that the corresponding message transformations or validations described by the target policies are to be performed by the authentication module.