Annotation Interface Connector

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface Connector
The Connector annotation is a component-defining annotation and it can be used by the resource adapter developer to specify that the JavaBean is a resource adapter JavaBean. The Connector annotation is applied to the JavaBean class.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Specifies the authentication mechanisms supported by the resource adapter.
    Describes the resource adapter module.
    An optional short name, providing information about the resource adapter module, that is intended to be displayed by tools.
    Contains information about the type of EIS.
    Specifies the file name for large GIF or JPEG icon images that are used to represent the resource adapter in a GUI tool.
    Specifies licensing requirements for the resource adapter module and an optional description of the licensing terms .
    Specifies whether a license is required to deploy and use this resource adapter
    Specifies whether a license is required to deploy and use this resource adapter
    Class<? extends WorkContext>[]
    Specifies a list of fully qualified classes that implements the WorkContext interface that a resource adapter requires the application server to support.
    Specifies the extended security permissions required to be provided for the operation of the resource adapter module
    Specifies the file name for small GIF or JPEG icon images that are used to represent the resource adapter in a GUI tool.
    Specifies the level of transaction support provided by the resource adapter.
    Specifies the name of the resource adapter provider vendor.
    Specifies the version of the resource adapter implementation.
  • Element Details

    • description

      String[] description
      Describes the resource adapter module.
    • displayName

      String[] displayName
      An optional short name, providing information about the resource adapter module, that is intended to be displayed by tools.
    • smallIcon

      String[] smallIcon
      Specifies the file name for small GIF or JPEG icon images that are used to represent the resource adapter in a GUI tool. Each smallIcon must be associated with a largeIcon element and the application server must use the ordinal value in their respective arrays to find the related pairs of icons.
    • largeIcon

      String[] largeIcon
      Specifies the file name for large GIF or JPEG icon images that are used to represent the resource adapter in a GUI tool. Each smallIcon must be associated with a largeIcon element and the application server must use the ordinal value in their respective arrays to find the related pairs of icons.
    • vendorName

      String vendorName
      Specifies the name of the resource adapter provider vendor.
    • eisType

      String eisType
      Contains information about the type of EIS. For example, the type of an EIS can be product name of the EIS independent of any version info.This helps in identifying EIS instances that can be used with this resource adapter.
    • version

      String version
      Specifies the version of the resource adapter implementation.
    • licenseDescription

      String[] licenseDescription
      Specifies licensing requirements for the resource adapter module and an optional description of the licensing terms .
    • licenseRequired

      boolean licenseRequired
      Specifies whether a license is required to deploy and use this resource adapter
    • authMechanisms

      AuthenticationMechanism[] authMechanisms
      Specifies the authentication mechanisms supported by the resource adapter.
      See Also:
    • reauthenticationSupport

      boolean reauthenticationSupport
      Specifies whether a license is required to deploy and use this resource adapter
    • securityPermissions

      SecurityPermission[] securityPermissions
      Specifies the extended security permissions required to be provided for the operation of the resource adapter module
      See Also:
    • transactionSupport

      Specifies the level of transaction support provided by the resource adapter.
      See Also:
    • requiredWorkContexts

      Class<? extends WorkContext>[] requiredWorkContexts
      Specifies a list of fully qualified classes that implements the WorkContext interface that a resource adapter requires the application server to support.