Annotation Interface StoredProcedureParameter

@Target({}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface StoredProcedureParameter
Specifies a parameter of a named stored procedure query. All parameters of a named stored procedure query must be specified.
Java Persistence 2.1
See Also:
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    JDBC type of the paramter.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Specifies whether the parameter is an IN, INOUT, OUT, or REF_CURSOR parameter.
    The name of the parameter as defined by the stored procedure in the database.
  • Element Details

    • type

      Class type
      JDBC type of the paramter.
    • name

      String name
      The name of the parameter as defined by the stored procedure in the database. If a name is not specified, it is assumed that the stored procedure uses positional parameters.
    • mode

      Specifies whether the parameter is an IN, INOUT, OUT, or REF_CURSOR parameter. REF_CURSOR parameters are used by some databases to return result sets from a stored procedure.