Class PessimisticLockException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PessimisticLockException extends PersistenceException
Thrown by the persistence provider when an pessimistic locking conflict occurs. This exception may be thrown as part of an API call, a flush or at commit time. The current transaction, if one is active, will be marked for rollback.
Java Persistence 2.0
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PessimisticLockException

      public PessimisticLockException()
      Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with null as its detail message.
    • PessimisticLockException

      public PessimisticLockException(String message)
      Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message.
      message - the detail message.
    • PessimisticLockException

      public PessimisticLockException(String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
      message - the detail message.
      cause - the cause.
    • PessimisticLockException

      public PessimisticLockException(Throwable cause)
      Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified cause.
      cause - the cause.
    • PessimisticLockException

      public PessimisticLockException(Object entity)
      Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified entity.
      entity - the entity.
    • PessimisticLockException

      public PessimisticLockException(String message, Throwable cause, Object entity)
      Constructs a new PessimisticLockException exception with the specified detail message, cause, and entity.
      message - the detail message.
      cause - the cause.
      entity - the entity.
  • Method Details

    • getEntity

      public Object getEntity()
      Returns the entity that caused this exception.
      the entity.