Annotation Interface ForeignKey

@Target({}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface ForeignKey
Used to specify the handling of foreign key constraints when schema generation is in effect. If this annotation is not specified, the persistence provider's default foreign key strategy will be used.

The ConstraintMode value is used to specify whether foreign key constraints should be generated.

The syntax used in the foreignKeyDefinition element should follow the SQL syntax used by the target database for foreign key constraints. For example, this may be similar the following:

 FOREIGN KEY ( <COLUMN expression> {, <COLUMN expression>}... )
 REFERENCES <TABLE identifier> [
     (<COLUMN expression> {, <COLUMN expression>}... ) ]
 [ ON UPDATE <referential action> ]
 [ ON DELETE <referential action> ]
When the ConstraintMode value is CONSTRAINT, but the foreignKeyDefinition element is not specified, the provider will generate foreign key constraints whose update and delete actions it determines most appropriate for the join column(s) to which the foreign key annotation is applied.
Java Persistence 2.1
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    (Optional) The foreign key constraint definition.
    (Optional) The name of the foreign key constraint.
    (Optional) Used to specify whether a foreign key constraint should be generated when schema generation is in effect.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      (Optional) The name of the foreign key constraint. If this is not specified, it defaults to a provider-generated name.
    • value

      (Optional) Used to specify whether a foreign key constraint should be generated when schema generation is in effect.

      A value of CONSTRAINT will cause the persistence provider to generate a foreign key constraint. If the foreignKeyDefinition element is not specified, the provider will generate a constraint whose update and delete actions it determines most appropriate for the join column(s) to which the foreign key annotation is applied.

      A value of NO_CONSTRAINT will result in no constraint being generated.

      A value of PROVIDER_DEFAULT will result in the provider's default behavior (which may or may not result in the generation of a constraint for the given join column(s).

    • foreignKeyDefinition

      String foreignKeyDefinition
      (Optional) The foreign key constraint definition.