Package javax.mail

Class MessagingException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AuthenticationFailedException, FolderClosedException, FolderNotFoundException, IllegalWriteException, MessageRemovedException, MethodNotSupportedException, NoSuchProviderException, ParseException, ReadOnlyFolderException, SearchException, SendFailedException, StoreClosedException

public class MessagingException extends Exception
The base class for all exceptions thrown by the Messaging classes
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessagingException

      public MessagingException()
      Constructs a MessagingException with no detail message.
    • MessagingException

      public MessagingException(String s)
      Constructs a MessagingException with the specified detail message.
      s - the detail message
    • MessagingException

      public MessagingException(String s, Exception e)
      Constructs a MessagingException with the specified Exception and detail message. The specified exception is chained to this exception.
      s - the detail message
      e - the embedded exception
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getNextException

      public Exception getNextException()
      Get the next exception chained to this one. If the next exception is a MessagingException, the chain may extend further.
      next Exception, null if none.
    • getCause

      public Throwable getCause()
      Overrides the getCause method of Throwable to return the next exception in the chain of nested exceptions.
      getCause in class Throwable
      next Exception, null if none.
    • setNextException

      public boolean setNextException(Exception ex)
      Add an exception to the end of the chain. If the end is not a MessagingException, this exception cannot be added to the end.
      ex - the new end of the Exception chain
      true if this Exception was added, false otherwise.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Override toString method to provide information on nested exceptions.
      toString in class Throwable