Package javax.jms

Class JMSRuntimeException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
IllegalStateRuntimeException, InvalidClientIDRuntimeException, InvalidDestinationRuntimeException, InvalidSelectorRuntimeException, JMSSecurityRuntimeException, MessageFormatRuntimeException, MessageNotWriteableRuntimeException, ResourceAllocationRuntimeException, TransactionInProgressRuntimeException, TransactionRolledBackRuntimeException

public class JMSRuntimeException extends RuntimeException
This is the root class of all unchecked exceptions in the JMS API.

In additional to the detailMessage and cause fields inherited from Throwable, this class also allows a provider-specific errorCode to be set.

JMS 2.0
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JMSRuntimeException

      public JMSRuntimeException(String detailMessage, String errorCode)
      Constructs a JMSRuntimeException with the specified detail message and error code.
      detailMessage - a description of the exception
      errorCode - a provider-specific error code
    • JMSRuntimeException

      public JMSRuntimeException(String detailMessage)
      Constructs a JMSRuntimeException with the specified detail message
      detailMessage - a description of the exception
    • JMSRuntimeException

      public JMSRuntimeException(String detailMessage, String errorCode, Throwable cause)
      Constructs a JMSRuntimeException with the specified detail message, error code and cause
      detailMessage - a description of the exception
      errorCode - a provider-specific error code
      cause - the underlying cause of this exception
  • Method Details

    • getErrorCode

      public String getErrorCode()
      Returns the vendor-specific error code.
      the provider-specific error code