Package javax.jms

Interface CompletionListener

public interface CompletionListener
A CompletionListener is implemented by the application and may be specified when a message is sent asynchronously.

When the sending of the message is complete, the JMS provider notifies the application by calling the onCompletion(Message) method of the specified completion listener. If the sending if the message fails for any reason, and an exception cannot be thrown by the send method, then the JMS provider calls the onException(Exception) method of the specified completion listener.

JMS 2.0
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Notifies the application that the message has been successfully sent
    onException(Message message, Exception exception)
    Notifies user that the specified exception was thrown while attempting to send the specified message.
  • Method Details

    • onCompletion

      void onCompletion(Message message)
      Notifies the application that the message has been successfully sent
      message - the message that was sent.
    • onException

      void onException(Message message, Exception exception)
      Notifies user that the specified exception was thrown while attempting to send the specified message. If an exception occurs it is undefined whether or not the message was successfully sent.
      message - the message that was sent.
      exception - the exception