Class RegexValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, PartialStateHolder, StateHolder, Validator

public class RegexValidator extends Object implements Validator, PartialStateHolder

A Validator that checks against a Regular Expression (which is the pattern property). The pattern must resolve to a String that follows the java.util.regex standards.

  • Field Details


      public static final String VALIDATOR_ID

      The standard converter id for this converter.

      See Also:

      public static final String PATTERN_NOT_SET_MESSAGE_ID

      The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the value returned from getPattern() is null or the empty String.

      See Also:

      public static final String NOT_MATCHED_MESSAGE_ID

      The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the act of matching the value against the pattern returned from getPattern() fails because the value does not match the pattern.

      See Also:

      public static final String MATCH_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_ID

      The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the act of matching the value against the pattern returned from getPattern() fails because of a PatternSyntaxException.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RegexValidator

      public RegexValidator()
  • Method Details

    • setPattern

      public void setPattern(String pattern)

      The Regular Expression property to validate against.

      pattern - a regular expression pattern
    • getPattern

      public String getPattern()

      Return the ValueExpression that yields the regular expression pattern when evaluated.

      the pattern
    • validate

      public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)

      Validate a String against a regular expression pattern. The full regex pattern must be matched in order to pass the validation.

      Specified by:
      validate in interface Validator
      context - FacesContext for the request we are processing
      component - UIComponent we are checking for correctness
      value - the value to validate
      NullPointerException - if context or component is null
      ValidatorException - if validation fails
    • saveState

      public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
      Description copied from interface: StateHolder

      Gets the state of the instance as a Serializable Object.

      If the class that implements this interface has references to instances that implement StateHolder (such as a UIComponent with event handlers, validators, etc.) this method must call the StateHolder.saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) method on all those instances as well. This method must not save the state of children and facets. That is done via the StateManager

      This method must not alter the state of the implementing object. In other words, after executing this code:

       Object state = component.saveState(facesContext);

      component should be the same as before executing it.

      The return from this method must be Serializable

      Specified by:
      saveState in interface StateHolder
      context - the Faces context.
      the saved state.
    • restoreState

      public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
      Description copied from interface: StateHolder

      Perform any processing required to restore the state from the entries in the state Object.

      If the class that implements this interface has references to instances that also implement StateHolder (such as a UIComponent with event handlers, validators, etc.) this method must call the StateHolder.restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) method on all those instances as well.

      If the state argument is null, take no action and return.

      Specified by:
      restoreState in interface StateHolder
      context - the Faces context.
      state - the state.
    • isTransient

      public boolean isTransient()
      Description copied from interface: StateHolder

      If true, the Object implementing this interface must not participate in state saving or restoring.

      Specified by:
      isTransient in interface StateHolder
      true if transient, false otherwise.
    • setTransient

      public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
      Description copied from interface: StateHolder

      Denotes whether or not the Object implementing this interface must or must not participate in state saving or restoring.

      Specified by:
      setTransient in interface StateHolder
      transientValue - boolean pass true if this Object will not participate in state saving or restoring, otherwise pass false.
    • markInitialState

      public void markInitialState()
      Description copied from interface: PartialStateHolder

      The runtime must ensure that the PartialStateHolder.markInitialState() method is called on each instance of this interface in the view at the appropriate time to indicate the component is in its initial state. The implementor of the interface must ensure that PartialStateHolder.initialStateMarked() returns true from the time markInitialState() is called until PartialStateHolder.clearInitialState() is called, after which time initialStateMarked() must return false. Also, during the time that the instance returns true from initialStateMarked(), the implementation must return only the state that has changed in its implementation of StateHolder.saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext).

      Specified by:
      markInitialState in interface PartialStateHolder
    • initialStateMarked

      public boolean initialStateMarked()
      Description copied from interface: PartialStateHolder

      Return true if delta state changes are being tracked, otherwise false

      Specified by:
      initialStateMarked in interface PartialStateHolder
      true if the initial state is marked, false otherwise.
    • clearInitialState

      public void clearInitialState()
      Description copied from interface: PartialStateHolder

      Reset the PartialStateHolder to a non-delta tracking state.

      Specified by:
      clearInitialState in interface PartialStateHolder