Class AnnotationLiteral<T extends Annotation>

Type Parameters:
T - the annotation type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Annotation
Direct Known Subclasses:
Alternative.Literal, Any.Literal, ApplicationScoped.Literal, BeforeDestroyed.Literal, ConversationScoped.Literal, Default.Literal, Dependent.Literal, Destroyed.Literal, Initialized.Literal, InjectLiteral, NamedLiteral, New.Literal, Nonbinding.Literal, QualifierLiteral, RequestScoped.Literal, SessionScoped.Literal, SingletonLiteral, Specializes.Literal, TransientReference.Literal, Typed.Literal, Vetoed.Literal

public abstract class AnnotationLiteral<T extends Annotation> extends Object implements Annotation, Serializable

Supports inline instantiation of annotation type instances.

An instance of an annotation type may be obtained by subclassing AnnotationLiteral.

 public abstract class PayByQualifier extends AnnotationLiteral<PayBy> implements PayBy {
 PayBy payByCheque = new PayByQualifier() {
     public PaymentMethod value() {
         return CHEQUE;
See Also: