Package javax.ejb

Interface SessionContext

All Superinterfaces:

public interface SessionContext extends EJBContext
The SessionContext interface provides access to the runtime session context that the container provides for a session bean instance. The container passes the SessionContext interface to an instance after the instance has been created. The session context remains associated with the instance for the lifetime of the instance.
EJB 1.0
  • Method Details

    • getEJBLocalObject

      EJBLocalObject getEJBLocalObject() throws IllegalStateException
      Obtain a reference to the EJB local object that is associated with the instance.

      An instance of a session bean can call this method at anytime between the PostConstruct or ejbCreate and PreDestroy or ejbRemove methods, including from within these methods.

      An instance can use this method, for example, when it wants to pass a reference to itself in a method argument or result.

      The EJB local object currently associated with the instance.
      IllegalStateException - Thrown if the instance invokes this method while the instance is in a state that does not allow the instance to invoke this method, or if the instance does not have a local interface.
      EJB 2.0
    • getEJBObject

      EJBObject getEJBObject() throws IllegalStateException
      Obtain a reference to the EJB object that is currently associated with the instance.

      An instance of a session enterprise Bean can call this method at anytime between the PostConstruct or ejbCreate and the PreDestroy or ejbRemove methods, including from within these methods.

      An instance can use this method, for example, when it wants to pass a reference to itself in a method argument or result.

      The EJB object currently associated with the instance.
      IllegalStateException - Thrown if the instance invokes this method while the instance is in a state that does not allow the instance to invoke this method, or if the instance does not have a remote interface.
    • getMessageContext

      javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext getMessageContext() throws IllegalStateException
      Obtain a reference to the JAX-RPC MessageContext.

      An instance of a stateless session bean can call this method from any business method invoked through its web service endpoint interface.

      Note: Support for web services invocations using JAX-RPC is optional as of EJB 3.2

      The MessageContext for this web service invocation.
      IllegalStateException - Thrown if this method is invoked while the instance is in a state that does not allow access to this method.
      EJB 2.1
    • getBusinessObject

      <T> T getBusinessObject(Class<T> businessInterface) throws IllegalStateException
      Obtain an object that can be used to invoke the current bean through a particular business interface view or its no-interface view.
      businessInterface - One of the local business interfaces or remote business interfaces for this session bean. In addition, the bean class type can be used to acquire a reference to the bean's no-interface view.
      The business object corresponding to the given business interface or no-interface view.
      IllegalStateException - Thrown if invoked with a parameter that does not correspond to one of the beans' business interfaces or no-interface view.
      EJB 3.0
    • getInvokedBusinessInterface

      Class getInvokedBusinessInterface() throws IllegalStateException
      Obtain the business interface or no-interface view type through which the current business method invocation was made.
      IllegalStateException - Thrown if this method is called and the bean has not been invoked through a business interface or no-interface view.
      EJB 3.0
    • wasCancelCalled

      boolean wasCancelCalled() throws IllegalStateException
      Check whether a client invoked the cancel method on the client Future object corresponding to the currently executing asynchronous business method.
      true if the client has invoked Future.cancel with a value of true for the mayInterruptIfRunning parameter.
      IllegalStateException - Thrown if not invoked from within an asynchronous business method invocation with return type Future<V>.
      EJB 3.1