Package javax.ejb

Annotation Interface ActivationConfigProperty

@Target({}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface ActivationConfigProperty
Used to provide information to the deployer about the configuration of a message driven bean in its operational environment.

The following standard properties are recognized for JMS message driven beans:

  • acknowledgeMode. This property is used to specify the JMS acknowledgement mode for the message delivery when bean-managed transaction demarcation is used. Its values are Auto_acknowledge or Dups_ok_acknowledge. If this property is not specified, JMS AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE semantics are assumed.
  • messageSelector. This property is used to specify the JMS message selector to be used in determining which messages a JMS message driven bean is to receive.
  • destinationType. This property is used to specify whether the message driven bean is intended to be used with a queue or a topic. The value must be either javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic.
  • destinationLookup. This property is used to specify the JMS queue or topic from which a JMS message-driven bean is to receive messages.
  • connectionFactoryLookup. This property is used to specify the JMS connection factory that will be used to connect to the JMS provider from which a JMS message-driven bean is to receive messages.
  • subscriptionDurability. If the message driven bean is intended to be used with a topic, this property may be used to indicate whether a durable or non-durable subscription should be used. The value of this property must be either Durable or NonDurable
  • subscriptionName. This property is used to specify the name of the durable subscription if the message-driven bean is intended to be used with a Topic, and the bean provider has indicated that a durable subscription should be used.
  • clientId. This property is used to specify the JMS client identifier that will be used when connecting to the JMS provider from which a JMS message-driven bean is to receive messages. If this property is not specified then the client identifier will be left unset.
EJB 3.0
  • Element Details

    • propertyName

      String propertyName
    • propertyValue

      String propertyValue