Class ValidationEventImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ValidationEventImpl

        public ValidationEventImpl​(int _severity,
                                   java.lang.String _message,
                                   ValidationEventLocator _locator)
        Create a new ValidationEventImpl.
        _severity - The severity value for this event. Must be one of ValidationEvent.WARNING, ValidationEvent.ERROR, or ValidationEvent.FATAL_ERROR
        _message - The text message for this event - may be null.
        _locator - The locator object for this event - may be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an illegal severity field is supplied
      • ValidationEventImpl

        public ValidationEventImpl​(int _severity,
                                   java.lang.String _message,
                                   ValidationEventLocator _locator,
                                   java.lang.Throwable _linkedException)
        Create a new ValidationEventImpl.
        _severity - The severity value for this event. Must be one of ValidationEvent.WARNING, ValidationEvent.ERROR, or ValidationEvent.FATAL_ERROR
        _message - The text message for this event - may be null.
        _locator - The locator object for this event - may be null.
        _linkedException - An optional linked exception that may provide additional information about the event - may be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an illegal severity field is supplied
    • Method Detail

      • getSeverity

        public int getSeverity​()
        Description copied from interface: ValidationEvent
        Retrieve the severity code for this warning/error.

        Must be one of ValidationError.WARNING, ValidationError.ERROR, or ValidationError.FATAL_ERROR.

        Specified by:
        getSeverity in interface ValidationEvent
        the severity code for this warning/error
      • setSeverity

        public void setSeverity​(int _severity)
        Set the severity field of this event.
        _severity - Must be one of ValidationEvent.WARNING, ValidationEvent.ERROR, or ValidationEvent.FATAL_ERROR.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an illegal severity field is supplied
      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage​()
        Description copied from interface: ValidationEvent
        Retrieve the text message for this warning/error.
        Specified by:
        getMessage in interface ValidationEvent
        the text message for this warning/error or null if one wasn't set
      • setMessage

        public void setMessage​(java.lang.String _message)
        Set the message field of this event.
        _message - String message - may be null.
      • getLinkedException

        public java.lang.Throwable getLinkedException​()
        Description copied from interface: ValidationEvent
        Retrieve the linked exception for this warning/error.
        Specified by:
        getLinkedException in interface ValidationEvent
        the linked exception for this warning/error or null if one wasn't set
      • setLinkedException

        public void setLinkedException​(java.lang.Throwable _linkedException)
        Set the linked exception field of this event.
        _linkedException - Optional linked exception - may be null.
      • setLocator

        public void setLocator​(ValidationEventLocator _locator)
        Set the locator object for this event.
        _locator - The locator - may be null.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​()
        Returns a string representation of this object in a format helpful to debugging.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        See Also: