Class LocalizationContext


public class LocalizationContext extends Object
Class representing an I18N localization context.

An I18N localization context has two components: a resource bundle and the locale that led to the resource bundle match.

The resource bundle component is used by <fmt:message> for mapping message keys to localized messages, and the locale component is used by the <fmt:message>, <fmt:formatNumber>, <fmt:parseNumber>, <fmt:formatDate>, and <fmt:parseDate> actions as their formatting or parsing locale, respectively.

  • Constructor Details

    • LocalizationContext

      public LocalizationContext()
      Constructs an empty I18N localization context.
    • LocalizationContext

      public LocalizationContext(ResourceBundle bundle, Locale locale)
      Constructs an I18N localization context from the given resource bundle and locale.

      The specified locale is the application- or browser-based preferred locale that led to the resource bundle match.

      bundle - The localization context's resource bundle
      locale - The localization context's locale
    • LocalizationContext

      public LocalizationContext(ResourceBundle bundle)
      Constructs an I18N localization context from the given resource bundle.

      The localization context's locale is taken from the given resource bundle.

      bundle - The resource bundle
  • Method Details

    • getResourceBundle

      public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle()
      Gets the resource bundle of this I18N localization context.
      The resource bundle of this I18N localization context, or null if this I18N localization context is empty
    • getLocale

      public Locale getLocale()
      Gets the locale of this I18N localization context.
      The locale of this I18N localization context, or null if this I18N localization context is empty, or its resource bundle is a (locale-less) root resource bundle.