Package javax.servlet

Class AsyncEvent


public class AsyncEvent extends Object
Event that gets fired when the asynchronous operation initiated on a ServletRequest (via a call to ServletRequest.startAsync() or ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest, ServletResponse)) has completed, timed out, or produced an error.
Servlet 3.0
  • Constructor Details

    • AsyncEvent

      public AsyncEvent(AsyncContext context)
      Constructs an AsyncEvent from the given AsyncContext.
      context - the AsyncContex to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
    • AsyncEvent

      public AsyncEvent(AsyncContext context, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
      Constructs an AsyncEvent from the given AsyncContext, ServletRequest, and ServletResponse.
      context - the AsyncContex to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
      request - the ServletRequest to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
      response - the ServletResponse to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
    • AsyncEvent

      public AsyncEvent(AsyncContext context, Throwable throwable)
      Constructs an AsyncEvent from the given AsyncContext and Throwable.
      context - the AsyncContex to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
      throwable - the Throwable to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
    • AsyncEvent

      public AsyncEvent(AsyncContext context, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, Throwable throwable)
      Constructs an AsyncEvent from the given AsyncContext, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, and Throwable.
      context - the AsyncContex to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
      request - the ServletRequest to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
      response - the ServletResponse to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
      throwable - the Throwable to be delivered with this AsyncEvent
  • Method Details

    • getAsyncContext

      public AsyncContext getAsyncContext()
      Gets the AsyncContext from this AsyncEvent.
      the AsyncContext that was used to initialize this AsyncEvent
    • getSuppliedRequest

      public ServletRequest getSuppliedRequest()
      Gets the ServletRequest from this AsyncEvent.

      If the AsyncListener to which this AsyncEvent is being delivered was added using AsyncContext.addListener(AsyncListener, ServletRequest, ServletResponse), the returned ServletRequest will be the same as the one supplied to the above method. If the AsyncListener was added via AsyncContext.addListener(AsyncListener), this method must return null.

      the ServletRequest that was used to initialize this AsyncEvent, or null if this AsyncEvent was initialized without any ServletRequest
    • getSuppliedResponse

      public ServletResponse getSuppliedResponse()
      Gets the ServletResponse from this AsyncEvent.

      If the AsyncListener to which this AsyncEvent is being delivered was added using AsyncContext.addListener(AsyncListener, ServletRequest, ServletResponse), the returned ServletResponse will be the same as the one supplied to the above method. If the AsyncListener was added via AsyncContext.addListener(AsyncListener), this method must return null.

      the ServletResponse that was used to initialize this AsyncEvent, or null if this AsyncEvent was initialized without any ServletResponse
    • getThrowable

      public Throwable getThrowable()
      Gets the Throwable from this AsyncEvent.
      the Throwable that was used to initialize this AsyncEvent, or null if this AsyncEvent was initialized without any Throwable