Interface ServerAuthModule

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ServerAuthModule extends ServerAuth
A ServerAuthModule validates client requests and secures responses to the client.

A module implementation should assume it may be used to secure different requests as different clients. A module should also assume it may be used concurrently by multiple callers. It is the module implementation's responsibility to properly save and restore any state as necessary. A module that does not need to do so may remain completely stateless.

Every implementation of the interface must provide a public zero argument constructor.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      void initialize(MessagePolicy requestPolicy, MessagePolicy responsePolicy, CallbackHandler handler, Map options) throws AuthException
      Initialize this module with request and response message policies to enforce, a CallbackHandler, and any module-specific configuration properties.

      The request policy and the response policy must not both be null.

      requestPolicy - The request policy this module must enforce, or null.
      responsePolicy - The response policy this module must enforce, or null.
      handler - CallbackHandler used to request information.
      options - A Map of module-specific configuration properties.
      AuthException - If module initialization fails, including for the case where the options argument contains elements that are not supported by the module.
    • getSupportedMessageTypes

      Class[] getSupportedMessageTypes()
      Get the one or more Class objects representing the message types supported by the module.
      An array of Class objects, with at least one element defining a message type supported by the module.