Package javax.persistence.metamodel

package javax.persistence.metamodel
Java Persistence Metamodel API
  • Class
    Represents an attribute of a Java type.
    Instances of the type BasicType represent basic types (including temporal and enumerated types).
    Instances of the type Bindable represent object or attribute types that can be bound into a Path.
    Instances of the type CollectionAttribute represent persistent java.util.Collection-valued attributes.
    Instances of the type EmbeddableType represent embeddable types.
    Instances of the type EntityType represent entity types.
    Instances of the type IdentifiableType represent entity or mapped superclass types.
    Instances of the type ListAttribute represent persistent javax.util.List-valued attributes.
    Instances of the type ManagedType represent entity, mapped superclass, and embeddable types.
    Instances of the type MapAttribute represent persistent java.util.Map-valued attributes.
    Instances of the type MappedSuperclassType represent mapped superclass types.
    Provides access to the metamodel of persistent entities in the persistence unit.
    Instances of the type PluralAttribute represent persistent collection-valued attributes.
    Instances of the type SetAttribute represent persistent java.util.Set-valued attributes.
    Instances of the type SingularAttribute represents persistent single-valued properties or fields.
    The StaticMetamodel annotation specifies that the class is a metamodel class that represents the entity, mapped superclass, or embeddable class designated by the value element.
    Instances of the type Type represent persistent object or attribute types.