Interface ElementDescriptor

All Known Subinterfaces:
BeanDescriptor, ConstructorDescriptor, ContainerElementTypeDescriptor, CrossParameterDescriptor, ExecutableDescriptor, MethodDescriptor, ParameterDescriptor, PropertyDescriptor, ReturnValueDescriptor

public interface ElementDescriptor
Describes a validated element (class, property, method etc.).
  • Method Details

    • hasConstraints

      boolean hasConstraints()
      returns true if at least one constraint declaration is present for this element in the class hierarchy, false otherwise
    • getElementClass

      Class<?> getElementClass()
      the statically defined returned type
    • getConstraintDescriptors

      Set<ConstraintDescriptor<?>> getConstraintDescriptors()
      Returns all constraint descriptors for this element in the class hierarchy or an empty Set if none are present.
      Set of constraint descriptors for this element
    • findConstraints

      Finds constraints and potentially restricts them to certain criteria.
      ConstraintFinder object