Class AddressException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddressException extends ParseException
The exception thrown when a wrongly formatted address is encountered.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • ref

      protected String ref
      The string being parsed.
    • pos

      protected int pos
      The index in the string where the error occurred, or -1 if not known.
  • Constructor Details

    • AddressException

      public AddressException()
      Constructs an AddressException with no detail message.
    • AddressException

      public AddressException(String s)
      Constructs an AddressException with the specified detail message.
      s - the detail message
    • AddressException

      public AddressException(String s, String ref)
      Constructs an AddressException with the specified detail message and reference info.
      s - the detail message
      ref - the string being parsed
    • AddressException

      public AddressException(String s, String ref, int pos)
      Constructs an AddressException with the specified detail message and reference info.
      s - the detail message
      ref - the string being parsed
      pos - the position of the error
  • Method Details

    • getRef

      public String getRef()
      Get the string that was being parsed when the error was detected (null if not relevant).
      the string that was being parsed
    • getPos

      public int getPos()
      Get the position with the reference string where the error was detected (-1 if not relevant).
      the position within the string of the error
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Description copied from class: MessagingException
      Override toString method to provide information on nested exceptions.
      toString in class MessagingException