Class ConverterTag

All Implemented Interfaces:
IterationTag, JspTag, Tag, Serializable

@Deprecated public class ConverterTag extends TagSupport
This has been partially replaced by ConverterELTag. The remainder of the functionality, namely, the binding facility and the implementation of the createConverter() method, is now an implementation detail.

ConverterTag is a base class for all Jakarta Server Pages custom actions that create and register a Converter instance on the ValueHolder associated with our most immediate surrounding instance of a tag whose implementation class is a subclass of UIComponentTag. To avoid creating duplicate instances when a page is redisplayed, creation and registration of a Converter occurs only if the corresponding UIComponent was created (by the owning UIComponentTag) during the execution of the current page.

This class may be used directly to implement a generic converter registration tag (based on the converter-id specified by the converterId attribute), or as a base class for tag instances that support specific Converter subclasses. This converterId attribute must refer to one of the well known converter-ids, or a custom converter-id as defined in a faces-config.xml file.

Subclasses of this class must implement the createConverter() method, which creates and returns a Converter instance. Any configuration properties that specify behavior of this Converter must have been set by the createConverter() method. Generally, this occurs by copying corresponding attribute values on the tag instance.

This tag creates no output to the page currently being created. It is used solely for the side effect of Converter creation.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ConverterTag

      public ConverterTag()
  • Method Details

    • setConverterId

      public void setConverterId(String converterId)

      Set the identifer of the Converter instance to be created.

      converterId - The identifier of the converter instance to be created.
    • setBinding

      public void setBinding(String binding) throws JspException

      Set the expression that will be used to create a ValueExpression that references a backing bean property of the Converter instance to be created.

      binding - The new expression
      JspException - if a Jakarta Server Pages error occurs
    • doStartTag

      public int doStartTag() throws JspException

      Create a new instance of the specified Converter class, and register it with the UIComponent instance associated with our most immediately surrounding UIComponentTag instance, if the UIComponent instance was created by this execution of the containing Jakarta Server Pages page. If the localValue of the UIComponent is a String, attempt to convert it.

      Specified by:
      doStartTag in interface Tag
      doStartTag in class TagSupport
      JspException - if a Jakarta Server Pages error occurs
      See Also:
    • release

      public void release()

      Release references to any acquired resources.

      Specified by:
      release in interface Tag
      release in class TagSupport
      See Also:
    • createConverter

      protected Converter createConverter() throws JspException

      Create and return a new Converter to be registered on our surrounding UIComponent.

      the Converter
      JspException - if a new instance cannot be created