Package jakarta.faces.flow

package jakarta.faces.flow
  • Class
    Flow is the runtime representation of a Faces Flow.
    FlowHandler is the main entry point that enables the runtime to interact with the faces flows feature.
    FlowHandlerFactory is used by the Application to create the singleton instance of FlowHandler.
    FlowHandlerFactoryWrapper provides a simple implementation of FlowHandlerFactory that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing FlowHandlerFactory instance.
    FlowNode is the base class for all nodes in a faces flow graph.
    FlowScoped is a CDI scope that causes the runtime to consider classes with this annotation to be in the scope of the specified Flow.
    Represents a method call node in the flow graph.
    Represents a parameter in any of several places where parameters are needed when processing flows.
    Represents a return node in the flow graph.
    Represents a case within a switch node in the flow graph.
    Represents a switch node in the flow graph.
    ViewNode is the class that represents a VDL view in a faces flow graph.