Interface Behavior

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AjaxBehavior, BehaviorBase, ClientBehaviorBase

public interface Behavior

The Behavior interface is the root API of the component behavior model. Behaviors are objects that are attached to UIComponents in order to enhance components with functionality not explicitly defined by the component implementation itself. The component behavior API is intended to support different types of behavior contracts, and possibly different types of interactions between behaviors and components. The first such contract is the ClientBehavior, which defines a mechanism by which script-producing behaviors attach scripts to components for execution on the client. In the future other types of behavior contracts may be added.

Like other attached objects (converters, validators) Behavior instances are created via the Application object. See Application.createBehavior(java.lang.String) for more details.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Broadcast the specified BehaviorEvent to all registered event listeners who have expressed an interest in events of this type.
  • Method Details

    • broadcast

      void broadcast(BehaviorEvent event)

      Broadcast the specified BehaviorEvent to all registered event listeners who have expressed an interest in events of this type. Listeners are called in the order in which they were added.

      event - The BehaviorEvent to be broadcast
      AbortProcessingException - Signal the Jakarta Server Faces implementation that no further processing on the current event should be performed
      IllegalArgumentException - if the implementation class of this BehaviorEvent is not supported by this component
      NullPointerException - if event is null