Package jakarta.faces

Class FactoryFinder


public final class FactoryFinder extends Object

FactoryFinder implements the standard discovery algorithm for all factory objects specified in the Jakarta Server Faces APIs. For a given factory class name, a corresponding implementation class is searched for based on the following algorithm. Items are listed in order of decreasing search precedence:

  • If the Jakarta Server Faces configuration file bundled into the WEB-INF directory of the webapp contains a factory entry of the given factory class name, that factory is used.

  • If the Jakarta Server Faces configuration files named by the jakarta.faces.CONFIG_FILES ServletContext init parameter contain any factory entries of the given factory class name, those injectionProvider are used, with the last one taking precedence.

  • If there are any Jakarta Server Faces configuration files bundled into the META-INF directory of any jars on the ServletContext's resource paths, the factory entries of the given factory class name in those files are used, with the last one taking precedence.

  • If a META-INF/services/{factory-class-name} resource is visible to the web application class loader for the calling application (typically as a injectionProvider of being present in the manifest of a JAR file), its first line is read and assumed to be the name of the factory implementation class to use.

  • If none of the above steps yield a match, the Jakarta Server Faces implementation specific class is used.

If any of the injectionProvider found on any of the steps above happen to have a one-argument constructor, with argument the type being the abstract factory class, that constructor is invoked, and the previous match is passed to the constructor. For example, say the container vendor provided an implementation of FacesContextFactory, and identified it in META-INF/services/jakarta.faces.context.FacesContextFactory in a jar on the webapp ClassLoader. Also say this implementation provided by the container vendor had a one argument constructor that took a FacesContextFactory instance. The FactoryFinder system would call that one-argument constructor, passing the implementation of FacesContextFactory provided by the Jakarta Server Faces implementation.

If a Factory implementation does not provide a proper one-argument constructor, it must provide a zero-arguments constructor in order to be successfully instantiated.

Once the name of the factory implementation class is located, the web application class loader for the calling application is requested to load this class, and a corresponding instance of the class will be created. A side effect of this rule is that each web application will receive its own instance of each factory class, whether the Jakarta Server Faces implementation is included within the web application or is made visible through the container's facilities for shared libraries.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getFactory

      public static Object getFactory(String factoryName) throws FacesException

      Create (if necessary) and return a per-web-application instance of the appropriate implementation class for the specified Jakarta Server Faces factory class, based on the discovery algorithm described in the class description.

      The standard injectionProvider and wrappers in Jakarta Server Faces all implement the interface FacesWrapper. If the returned Object is an implementation of one of the standard injectionProvider, it must be legal to cast it to an instance of FacesWrapper and call FacesWrapper.getWrapped() on the instance.

      factoryName - Fully qualified name of the Jakarta Server Faces factory for which an implementation instance is requested
      the found factory instance
      FacesException - if the web application class loader cannot be identified
      FacesException - if an instance of the configured factory implementation class cannot be loaded
      FacesException - if an instance of the configured factory implementation class cannot be instantiated
      IllegalArgumentException - if factoryName does not identify a standard Jakarta Server Faces factory name
      IllegalStateException - if there is no configured factory implementation class for the specified factory name
      NullPointerException - if factoryname is null
    • setFactory

      public static void setFactory(String factoryName, String implName)

      This method will store the argument factoryName/implName mapping in such a way that getFactory(java.lang.String) will find this mapping when searching for a match.

      This method has no effect if getFactory() has already been called looking for a factory for this factoryName.

      This method can be used by implementations to store a factory mapping while parsing the Faces configuration file

      factoryName - the name to be used in a subsequent call to getFactory(java.lang.String).
      implName - the fully qualified class name of the factory corresponding to factoryName.
      IllegalArgumentException - if factoryName does not identify a standard Jakarta Server Faces factory name
      NullPointerException - if factoryname is null
    • releaseFactories

      public static void releaseFactories() throws FacesException

      Release any references to factory instances associated with the class loader for the calling web application. This method must be called during of web application shutdown.

      FacesException - if the web application class loader cannot be identified