Interface RecordFactory

public interface RecordFactory
The RecordFactory interface is used for creating MappedRecord and IndexedRecord instances. Note that the RecordFactory is only used for creation of generic record instances. A CCI implementation provides an implementation class for the RecordFactory interface.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createMappedRecord

      <K, V> MappedRecord<K,V> createMappedRecord(String recordName) throws ResourceException
      Creates a MappedRecord. The method takes the name of the record that is to be created by the RecordFactory. The name of the record acts as a pointer to the meta information (stored in the metadata repository) for a specific record type.
      recordName - Name of the Record
      ResourceException - Failed to create a MappedRecord. Example error cases are:
      • Invalid specification of record name
      • Resource adapter internal error
      • Failed to access metadata repository
      NotSupportedException - Operation not supported
    • createIndexedRecord

      <E> IndexedRecord<E> createIndexedRecord(String recordName) throws ResourceException
      Creates a IndexedRecord. The method takes the name of the record that is to be created by the RecordFactory. The name of the record acts as a pointer to the meta information (stored in the metadata repository) for a specific record type.
      recordName - Name of the Record
      ResourceException - Failed to create an IndexedRecord. Example error cases are:
      • Invalid specification of record name
      • Resource adapter internal error
      • Failed to access metadata repository
      NotSupportedException - Operation not supported